If you’ve come by for any reason lately you might’ve noticed the new sign on my studio, above the door! I hand painted this for the studio sale back in July and hanging it has given me such a nice sense of … whatever the opposite of imposter syndrome is. LOL! This photo also highlights the fact that I’ve brought my heirloom cider apple trees through nearly three years of growth – that’s really quite a feat, for me. I don’t have a great track record with potted plants, but these guys and their little strawberry friends get regular care, I think because I have to walk past them so often!
It was nice to slow down and hand paint it (no stencils here, folks!) and now I look at it each time I pull into the driveway and it feels a little more “real.” Thank you all for your support this summer – it’s incredible to get such positive feedback from so many people!
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